To use Paper Pickaxe, start by obtaining a structure file (also called an NBT file) or a schematic file for the Java edition of Minecraft. There are three ways you can do this: get a structure someone else created, use Minecraft's structure block, or use a tool like MCEdit.

Option 1: Use someone else's creation

One way to get a structure is to download a structure or schematic file that someone else created. You can find them on websites like Minecraft Schematics. You can also select one of our samples from the create page. However, you may not use Paper Pickaxe if you do not own a copy of the Java edition of Minecraft.

Option 2: Use Minecraft's structure block

Better yet, you can create your own structure and capture it using Minecraft's structure block. For inspiration, visit the browse page to see what other people are making.

First, open a world that has cheats enabled. On the world select screen, the world will say "Cheats" below it if they are enabled. If there are no worlds that say "Cheats," you can create one by clicking "Create New World," "More World Options," and "Allow Cheats."

If you haven't already, create your structure. When you're finished, give your character some structure blocks by typing in the following command and pressing enter:

/give @p structure_block 20

Place a structure block at one corner of your creation. Right-click the block to bring up a menu. Keep clicking the button that says "Data" until it changes to "Corner." Type in a name for your structure.

Place a second structure block at the opposite corner of your structure. Right-click it, and then click the button that says "Data" so that it says "Save." Type in the name of your structure again. Be careful to use the exact same name as before.

Click the button that says "DETECT." A box will appear showing the boundaries of your structure.

Make sure the boundaries are where you would like them to be. If they are not, destroy both of the structure blocks, and go back and place the structure blocks again.

Note that Minecraft limits the size of structures to 32 × 32 × 32 blocks. If your structure is too big, it won't be possible to capture all of it at once - at least not using structure blocks. If this is the case, you can either divide up your creation into multiple structure files, or you can use a tool like MCEdit to capture it.

Now that you've set the boundaries, right-click the second structure block again. Click the button on the right that says "SAVE" in all caps. (Make sure you don't click the button on the left that says "Save" by mistake.) Congratulations, you've captured your structure!

The structure is now saved as a file on your computer. You can get to the file using File Explorer. To do so, type in %appdata%\.minecraft\saves as the location and press enter. Double-click the folder for the world containing your structure. Then go to generated, minecraft, and stuctures. Your structure file should be in this folder. (If you are using an older version of Minecraft, simply go to structures. If your computer is a Mac, the file is in ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves instead. On Linux, it's in ~/.minecraft/saves.)

Option 3: Use MCEdit

Another way to capture your creation is to use a tool like MCEdit or WorldEdit. We recommend MCEdit.

First, go to the world select screen and check what version of Minecraft your world is using. Go to the MCEdit website and check whether that version is supported.

If MCEdit does not support your version of Minecraft, exit and restart Minecraft. Before clicking "Play," look for an option to play an older version of Minecraft. Select a version that MCEdit supports. Create a new world, and build your structure in that world.

When you've finished creating your structure, exit Minecraft. Download MCEdit and run it. Load your world, and navigate to the structure you wish to capture. Use W, A, S, and D to move forward, left, backward, and right. Right click and drag to change the direction of the camera.

Once you reach your structure, select the structure's boundaries by clicking and dragging. You can change the boundaries by clicking on them and dragging. Use the export feature to save your structure as an NBT file.

Once you have a Minecraft structure, go to the create page. You can choose one of two plans:

  • Free
  • Structure size limited to 7 × 7 × 7 blocks
  • Papercraft models include a Paper Pickaxe logo somewhere on the surface
  • U.S. $19.99 / year (automatic renewal is optional)
  • No size limit
  • No Paper Pickaxe logo

The fees are intended for us to recoup our costs, and are not intended for profit.

After you submit your structure and choose a model size and other options, Paper Pickaxe will create a PDF papercraft document for you. A link will appear allowing you to download the file.

Now it's time to build your papercraft model. You will need the following items:

  • Scissors
  • Glue (tacky glue is ideal, but regular glue works just fine)
  • Thick paper (we recommend 32 lbs. paper, also called 32# or 120gsm paper)
  • Tweezers (optional)

To create your model, print it out on thick paper. Cut out each piece along the solid borders. Fold them along the dashed lines. Glue the model into the appropriate shape by applying a bit of glue to each tab, folding it if necessary, and pressing it against the corresponding edge of the model. You can figure out where to glue each tab based on the way each piece is folded and what the final product is supposed to look like.

Depending on the model, you may also need to glue two parts of the model directly to each other, back-to-back. For example, if your model has a door, you might need to glue the front side of the door directly to the back side. This will result in a double-sided door.

  • Fold down along pure dash lines (mountain fold).
  • Fold up along dash-dot lines (valley fold).
  • It helps to use tweezers when gluing, to hold two parts of the model together.
  • Some tabs have letters on them. Corners with matching letters will meet each other in the 3D model.

When you finish making your papercraft model, it's time to share it! Take some pictures of your creation, and upload them using the share page. Your photos will appear on the browse page, where other people can admire your work. The share page also gives you the option to share your creation on Facebook.